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Squeeze more marks out of your dressage test with this secret! 🤫

The first excellent video from Carl Hester has landed and is a must watch for all riders. Read on to find out exactly how you can improve your scores, from the master himself.

Crooked and uneven halts! We all get them, and they really impact the score in your dressage test. Every single test has a halt so make sure you can execute them correctly! In the latest video with Carl, he shares some techniques and exercises to use when training your horse to make a square halt. You definitely don’t want to miss this chance to learn and improve your scores from the judges! Watch the video here and level up your scores. 💪

Learn from Carl Hester in Ridely!

Exclusive training videos with top trainers and riders like Carl Hester are available in the Ridely library. Don’t miss it!